Bitmap for WPF
GetDesignGlyphMetrics(Int16[],Boolean) メソッド

C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite 名前空間 > FontFace クラス > GetDesignGlyphMetrics メソッド : GetDesignGlyphMetrics(Int16[],Boolean) メソッド
An array of glyph indices for which to compute metrics. The array must contain at least as many elements as specified by glyphCount.
Indicates whether the font is being used in a sideways run. This can affect the glyph metrics if the font has oblique simulation because sideways oblique simulation differs from non-sideways oblique simulation
Obtains ideal (resolution-independent) glyph metrics in font design units.
Public Overloads Function GetDesignGlyphMetrics( _
   ByVal glyphIndices() As System.Short, _
   ByVal isSideways As System.Boolean _
) As GlyphMetrics()
public GlyphMetrics[] GetDesignGlyphMetrics( 
   System.short[] glyphIndices,
   System.bool isSideways


An array of glyph indices for which to compute metrics. The array must contain at least as many elements as specified by glyphCount.
Indicates whether the font is being used in a sideways run. This can affect the glyph metrics if the font has oblique simulation because sideways oblique simulation differs from non-sideways oblique simulation


an array of GlyphMetricsstructures.
Design glyph metrics are used for glyph positioning.

FontFace クラス
FontFace メンバ